Written for Twilight's competition. Jeremy is a 16 year old struggling to come to grips with how his family fell apart at the hands of Daniel, a promi..
This is the pre-story, following the Angel of Death, Demushah-ron, an Elder. It is here he is captured.
The initial beginning. This introduces Shemaq & the rest of the Ves Battalion, Veloice-Tzih - an Elder, and the band of humans trying to survive on ea..
A teaser for the Jerus/Fall of the Nephilim chapters/book.
A pivotal point in Serafa's life is brought to light as she discovers that full powers of an adult Angel, but while the Cherubim's wings remain white,..
Matteo is a Nephilim, a "Fallen" so to speak. With his own plan in mind, he doesn't serve the purpose of living to cause pain and agony, but he is ver..
A teaser for Nyra, a main character in No Longer Tomorrow.
An Angelic story revolving around a post-apocalyptic earth which is in fact just another in an endless cycle around the galaxies they traverse.
Set in a futuristic Earth when humans have become nearly extinct, and the world is run instead by creatures that were once humans created by genetic e..
Further explaining some of the goings-on of the world, though it's fairly short at the moment I may add more in soon so that more is known.