A Story by Katie
I’m not sure how to start off this letter so I’ve decided to
make it short and sweet. I’m dead. Well, not currently, anyway, but I ..
I was sooooo sad about that Tornado and I heard the youngest victims were 4 and 7 months. It makes me wanna cry.
A Chapter by Katie
The man stared down at the woman who was laying at his feet,
bound and gagged. Her shiny blonde hair
was stained with blood, her bottom lip spil..
A Chapter by Katie
Morgan awoke the morning of October 21,
2013 with a feeling of dread. His sister
Ariel hadn’t returned home last night after going ..
A Chapter by Katie
Roberts gently ran her hands over the front of her thigh length black cocktail
dress that showed off her tall, curvy body.
Her friends..
A baseball player, who is accused and found guilty of murdering the empire who made a bad call on his team, breaks out of jail and will do anything to..
Love is poweful,Love is sweet, Love will sweep you off your feet,Love is strong, Love is deep,And it is your love I wish too keep..
A Story by Katie
It was supposed to be a legend. Not real. I
guess you never know something is true unless you see it with your own eyes.I recall ..
This is what everyone thinks when they become a victim of bullying.
A Chapter by Katie
I open my eyes with a groan. I blink a few times, trying to see any ounce of daylight. None. I was in an enclosed space, and I did'nt like it. I kick ..