About Me
Well, to start off with my name is Katie. I live in a small unknown town in Wisconsin with my two youngers sister and parents. I love my family and friends, and I couldn't imagine life without them. My two sisters can be annoying at times, but they love to joke around with me which makes me smile on a rainy day. My dad....well, my dad is a little dorky but in a funny way. My mom is a first grade teacher, which comes in handy sometimes except when it comes to middle school math. Usually my dad helps me in that subject. Courtney, Ashli, Brooke, and Diana are my bestest buddies in the whole wide world. They're practically my sisters. I have other friends, too, but those are my besties who've been there from the start. Loveshine100 is my best online friend. We like to call ourselves the Runts, which is our online title for each other. I'm Runt#1, she's Runt#2. Before I was friends with her on writerscafe, we got to know each other better through chapteread where we commented on each other's profile's constantly and message each other with updates on our books. She's amazing and has some great writings.
I'm always looking to make some more good online buddies, so if you're reading this, feel free to send me a friend request. I'm open to all. I'm pretty shy if you don't know me, but once you get to know me better I'm a very bubbly person and I'm not afraid to release my inner dork. My motto is: Embrace the dork inside of you. Life is too short. I actually got one of those rectanuglar stickers with that written on it at my school's book fair.
Speaking of book fairs, I found my present day obsession sitting on one of the shelves. Since I'm crazy about horses, a book with a horse caught my eye as I was walking past. I already bought a book, so I wasn't sure if I could by another one with the money I had left. Luckily, teachers get a discount and my mom was there the same time my class was. She saw me and bought the book with a discount. The book was called Canterwood Crest: Take the Reins by Jessica Burkhart. Now that I've begun the series, I can't stop. It's like a severe obsession. Just kidding. It's not really severe, I'm just in love with those books! It's kind of like how so many people are crazy about Twilight, well I'm crazy about Canterwood Crest.
I suppose that since this is a writing website, I should explain a little more about my writing world. You may already know I'm a horse maniac, so I write mostly about horses. I do have a book saved on my computer that I only wrote up to chapter five with eleven thousand words on the subject of horses, but I decided to branch out. Right now I'm writing a book called White Lies about a horse (what else) and a teenager named Jess. I'm not going to get into the full details, but there is definetley a couple twists in the novel to jazz it up. :P. It would be awesome if you could crituque the chapters I have posted. Don't worry, I'm not the kind of person who cries just because someone gives me harsh criticsm. I've learned not to be offended, but to take in other writers' advice instead of being upset about it. That's the one thing all writers should know.
Since I share a laptop with four other family members, three of the four who are on a lot, I only get a certain amount of time to write a day. If my handwriting was neater and I could write faster than I could type, I would just grab a notebook and get to work. But I don't. It's not like I only get a specific amount of time on the computer, it's just that I get kicked off while in the middle of writing a paragraph which really bugs me.
Okay, so I think this is a long enough bio. If you've read it all the way through, you're probably falling to sleep right about now. But I don't care if you've read it or not. I just wanted to share some things about my life for whoever wants to take the time to read it. That's all.
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