Kate H

Kate H


"There is a rollicking kindness that looks like malice.

Vincent, AL
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About Me

I'm the mother of the two best, most precious, rewarding things that could have ever happened to or been bestowed upon me and/or my entire existence. I adore my kids and since becoming a mother, I know
the meaning and depth of the truest of true love and what it's all about! I'm not ashamed to admit that I worship AND relish the blessing of having them and they truly complete my life! - **** I am more than simply and merely grateful for this chance to have been blessed with them and there's not any single thing in this world that could EVER even fathom the thought of EVER BECOMING CLOSE TO EVEN ENTERTAINING THE IDEA, THAT ANYTHING COULD EVER SUPERSEDE THEM OR MY LOVE FOR THEM or my love of fulfilling my role as their mother. My kids DO, ALWAYS HAVE AND WILL ALWAYS, ALWAYS come before AND/OR above any and everything else (PEOPLE INCLUDED) within this WHOLE ENTIRE COSMOS, no matter what. Right beneath them (BUT not too terribly far of course) is writing, lol. I really grasped the love and pure yearn for so, when I was 13. Having a rough childhood and an even rougher teenage life, I turned to writing upon being placed in the first of quite a few, teen group homes where writing was on many occasions, the only and/or the closest companion I had. Every poem, no matter the author, tells a distinct story that's waiting to be told of and heard. If really paid attention to, reading a fellow writers work(s) is an open invitation and one of the truest of honors in being able to be a part of their thoughts and feelings alike. Most importantly, you can broaden your own mind as well as so many perspectives of your own life, simply by listening to their untold, deserving to be heard, story! My work(s) are usually the very description of the current on- going situation or event that was or may have been, occurring in my life. The small space in which we're given here, is hardly enough for me to gladly fill you in on about myself, as I could go on for hours! So, please feel free to stop in, browse around my page and/or works, send me a friennd request or just send me a message! YOUR COMPANY WITH MINE, WOULD BE MOST GRATIFYING! I do hope you enjoy AND PLEASE REMEMBER, I'm always open for any constructive criticism, reviews and opinions and I always welcome readers who genuinely share the same passion and deep love for writing, as myself!


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Posted 11 Years Ago

"Young or old, good or bad, I don't think anything dies slower than a writer." - Charles Bukowski

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Posted 11 Years Ago

Nice :)

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Posted 11 Years Ago

"with kindness and consideration i greet this day. with honesty and integrity i set forth on a path of joy. with love and light i embrace your essence. this is how i choose to live. this is who i am."

MicHEAL Teal / The Ancient One