There isn't enough time. I can not wait any longer. Quickly turning the knob, I carefully open the door. Sliding out, I lower my body to the ground, s..
They are afraid,of ME????It is quite clear.I am not normal,nor do I pretend to be,I am eccentric, artistic, poetic,and proud to be.I am my Mother's re..
The clock on the wall doesn't tick,it BANGS!It counts seconds that remain....Seconds until I have none left.Not being who I am is my only regret.Not j..
Running to hide.Running to be,the person I know is full of life,wanting to be free.Freedom has taken on a new face.It is what I have never experienced..
Her form dances passed me,in a flicker of excitement, I run to her....She smiles as she turns my way,acknowledging that she sees me.I stop. My feet no..