Kat Collins : Writing

You Say To Trust You

You Say To Trust You

A Poem by Kat Collins

Hold a true friend with both your hands. ~Nigerian Proverb
Hide and Seek

Hide and Seek

A Story by Kat Collins

A woman is trapped with nowhere to run, hide and seek is the game....can she be set free?
As You Remember...

As You Remember...

A Poem by Kat Collins

Dedicated to my Nana who is in her 90's and fading....
Flights of Fancy

Flights of Fancy

A Story by Kat Collins

A little ditty that I wrote some time ago about dreams, fairies, dreamers, and a palace in the sky.
Dreams of You

Dreams of You

A Poem by Kat Collins

Written 1998
A Holy Sanctuary

A Holy Sanctuary

A Poem by Kat Collins

Written 1997 from a dark place in the soul.
Girls Night Out

Girls Night Out

A Story by Kat Collins

Anyone can tell a story of sex...but can you tell one of erotic, passionate, burning souls?
Momentary Bliss

Momentary Bliss

A Story by Kat Collins

A little blip in time....a pause, a breath...
Letting Go Is Never Easy

Letting Go Is Never Easy

A Poem by Kat Collins

I've said my goodbye's...
The Journey of Fibromyalgia

The Journey of Fibromyalgia

A Poem by Kat Collins

A very small peek at what living with Fibromylagia is like."