In the farthest distant lands,beyond the oceans, and and its sands,and past the logic it demands,lies, a place of beauty.And higher than the highest c..
A lifetime in the shadows,He battles for the sun,The smell of summer fills his lungs,His journey has begun.And through the shadows, toward the light,H..
My attempt at a poetic story abut a sailor who hears a cry from a siren, it will be a multi part story hoping to use different forms of poetry, succes..
In the coldest of Decembers,as the fire dies and turns to embers,dark clouds mass, their influence grows,threatening the world below,winters army marc..
In the dying of the lightone could perhaps, embrace the nightBut fear would lume and and freeze my soulAnd with it, cheer would slump to gloom.
For t..