Rae : Writing

Gaby of Sakura

Gaby of Sakura

A Book by Rae

A tale of a rowdy, hot-tempered girl who must turn into a princess and marry the famous prince of Series Castle.
An Arranged Marriage

An Arranged Marriage

A Chapter by Rae

The young royal girl learns of her stepmother's scheme to marry her off.
The Mysterious Boy

The Mysterious Boy

A Chapter by Rae

Larissa tries to prep Gaby into a princess to meet with the Series Royals, but Gaby gets angry and runs off into the Brynhild Woods. And there is wher..
A New Sword Fighting Master

A New Sword Fighting Master

A Chapter by Rae

Larissa sends Gaby to her sword fighting lessons and guess who shows up? The mystery blue haired boy.
Running Away Together

Running Away Together

A Chapter by Rae

Gaby finds out some things about her engagement AND her deceased father. Running away would solve everything, but would someone be willing to run with..


A Chapter by Rae

The title should say it all, but it's a cute chapter too. ^^
Prisoner's Secrets

Prisoner's Secrets

A Chapter by Rae

Gaby and Syrus wake up after being kidnapped, and Gaby learns of how Syrus is affiliated with Series Castle.
Serus and Syrus

Serus and Syrus

A Chapter by Rae

The background story for the two. This should clear up any confusion about the two. ^^
Battle Plan

Battle Plan

A Chapter by Rae

Gaby and Syrus flee the castle, but after an accident happens, Gaby is the only one left to begin the final battle. Can she do it?
Black and Blue

Black and Blue

A Chapter by Rae

The final battle begins between Gaby and Serus. Who is ready to see some major action?