Karawen : Writing

Chapter One She's Not In the Past

Chapter One She's Not In the Past

A Chapter by Karawen

CHAPTER ONE She's Not in The Past I'm pretty familiar with waking in a cold sweat. It has been the norm lately. While I waited for my heart rate to ..
Chapter 2 Hoping and Searching

Chapter 2 Hoping and Searching

A Chapter by Karawen

CHAPTER TWO Hoping and Searching If you've ever walked without thinking of where you are going and ended up where you needed to be you'll know what ..
Chapter 3 Some Kind Of Hope

Chapter 3 Some Kind Of Hope

A Chapter by Karawen

CHAPTER THREE Some Kind of Hope The tiny little handcrafted earring sat in my hand encrusted with dirt. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. It was..
Chapter 4 The Underworld

Chapter 4 The Underworld

A Chapter by Karawen

CHAPTER FOUR The Underworld I woke up with a sore back and the bitter taste of what had been identified to me as limestone. I guess my kidnapper, de..
Chapter 5 The News and the Deceit

Chapter 5 The News and the Deceit

A Chapter by Karawen

CHAPTER 5 The News and the Deceit I think it's part of Murphy's Law, I really do. Those weren't my first thoughts as I fumbled with my cell phone at..
Chapter 6 A Broken Bliss

Chapter 6 A Broken Bliss

A Chapter by Karawen

CHAPTER 6 Broken Bliss Soon after Jesse's departure I found myself thinking of all that he had done. The effort he put into his little home was almo..
Finding Sidney

Finding Sidney

A Book by Karawen

When Sidney goes missing her boyfriend Aiden will stop at nothing to bring her back, even if it means going through hell and back.