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A Stage Play by Kandii

God God

A Poem by Kandii

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A Poem by Kandii

Broken Heart Broken Heart

A Poem by Kandii

F**k Uo F**k Uo

A Poem by Kandii

Cheat Cheat

A Poem by Kandii

Drifting Drifting

A Poem by Kandii

Reaons Reaons

A Poem by Kandii

About Me

"Ah, distinctly I remember, it was in the bleak December, And each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor." These were the first words that started my curiosity for poetic literature. Back in 5th grade my teacher was reading The Raven, By: Edgar Allan Poe. That's what started it all. Ever since then its simple, I started reading up on different types of poetry, embracing it. Since then I always had a passion for writing. Some say my "my words are my passion", and I learned to stick with that phrase.
My name is Kandi, my birth was April 28,1991. I am a senior at J.M. High School, I am in World of Literature, which is basically something like WritersCafe, but at my school. I write mostly poetry about mortality, fear, love. Basically I write what I feel, and that usually isn't butterflies and unicorns, if you get what I mean.
I write everyday, even if its simple as "roses are red, violets are blue..." sort of thing. There is always and entry in my Journal everyday. Some days I have writers block, which that is when my worst poems come out. Then there are times when I can write and write and now stop. I write about stuff that happens to me in my everyday life and when I am in dreamland, sleeping away.
I listen to all types of music, but the most genre I listen to would probably be Rock, Metal, Classical Rock, and Alternative. Rap and Hip Hop are bearable, and Country is too. I do not listen to Gospel...Eh....that just doesn't sound right. I listen for the words then the beat.
I am not really a movie and T.V. person. I like to watch some shows once in awhile, just to stay up to date. My favorite movies of all time would be Black Cat based on the story by Edgar Allan Poe. Other then that I thought the movie Quarantine was good, besides the affect of one camera can make a person dizzy! After that I would have to say Sweeney Todd, The Dark Knight, and Bambi (1 and 2).
I am not the religious type. I grew up in a catholic family, went to church every Sunday with my Grandma and Grandpa. I went to a catholic school up until High School. But...I guess its just that I really don't believe there is a god. I really don't care either.
Other then that I spend most of my days at school and work, come home clean and homework, then bed. On weekends I enjoy my time alone. Just peace and quite. I really don't hang around friends that much...I really wouldn't even call them friends. I see them more as my (sorry can't spell this word so bare with me) aquantises.
If you know what I mean by the spelling. xD
That's really my entire life since I was 10. Before that I was always playing in mud and being your average "Tom Boy". Please comment on my writings, I love to hear criticism on my work. I will never change the way I write, if you tell me ways I might change, I probably won't but its good to hear them anyways. I am up for any kind of comments. My advise for anyone is to always write what comes from the hear and never let anyone tell you otherwise.
Thank you for visiting my page.