Kamie loves her BFFLz and forever will love them, my friendship shall never sever! To all my most amazing, fantastic, wonderful, and bestest friendz of mine!
Hellooo! :D Kamie here! Or I shall say Kamie Lea. :3 Uh yea a., I hate my full name., Kamiela Lea. Kamiela(Cam-eel-Uh) and Lea(Lee).
My peeps call me Kamie, Kamster, Kamie Babe, or Kamz. :) I love those losers I call friends!:D Katie has been my BFFFFL since 2nd grade! Shes a dork but i love herrr! :) And Cody has been my BFFFL since 3rd grade. I love him too. :) my closest friends in real life is Katie,Stormi, Rachel, Cody, and Akita. I love my dogs, Max and Tina. Max iz a beagle and Tina iz a Schnauzer mixed with a Corgi. I love my cat Kitlerz. Kitlerz is a Maine Coon, he's fat and fluffyz. :3 I also love my bunnyy Toodlez. I dance, write songs, short poems, play in the rain, love chalk and crayons, markers are evilll, sing a Lil, and am in 4H :B I am also a nerd-ish kid. But people say im adorable Lil nerd-ish kid. :D and my favorite colorz are Blue and Green. I also love purple and square... Oh wait squarez are shapez! Neva minds....
My favorite bandz/singerz are Nicki Minaj, Ke$ha, Lady GaGa(some of her songz), Tokio Hotel, BOTDA, Never Shout Never, Selena Gomez, Trey Songz, Drake, Bow Wow, Usher, Lil Wayne, Eminem, Beyonce, Kelis, Carry Underwood(my only favorite country singer that I listen to), and lotz more.
Imma a not so normal 16 year old, gonna be 17 on November 24th!! I iz excited. I'm in love with Hello Kitty(:
My friend, Stormi was on here and I was like OM gee! I shall join! Haha I also love Kingdom Hearts! [Caption.iT - Face in Hole]
Jade - "Imma be all bitchy and kungfu on Yo a*s if you don't back down, foo." Random girl #1, "I'd like to see you try hoe." - Random girl #2, "Yeah, what she said." - Stormi & Laney, "Hell yeah! B***h fightz, n***a'!!" You - "Wait!! Let me go get some popcorn and soda!" Me and Christian - "WTF?! dis is gunna be baller!!!" -waits for you- I thought you said popcorn and soda, so why'd you bring back brass knuckles and... ARE THOSE MY NEW KICK A*S JORDANS YOUR WEARING.?!?!
First I would cry...then I would say....Darling, I know I haven't known you that long, but I will miss you. I love you because your so cute. I love you and your wonderful heart. Rest in Peace my love. That's what I would say