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Colorado Springs, CO
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About Me

Welcome to my profile, or something along those lines. The world of literature is where I like to live; this includes reading, writing, role playing, and debating. It's been said I'm creative, artistic, and morbid. I'm engaged. My favorite authors are Dean Koontz and Stephen King. My favorite book is The Phantom Tollbooth. I love orange soda.


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Posted 14 Years Ago

Flowing joy

See the joy in this day, then give it away. And there will be much more.
Joy cannot be held or restrained, hidden away or saved for another time. Joy must freely flow in order to exist at all.

Get joy flowing from you and it will flow to you. With joy flowing to you, even more can flow out.

The process starts when you focus your attention on the positive possibilities, and on the value of what you have. An attitude of gratitude primes the pump to get joy flowing in your life and through your world.

See what is good, what is right, what is true. Let the joy begin to flow.

Then live that joy, spreading it far and wide. And it will flow with ever-increasing power.

-- Ralph Marston