KWP : Writing



A Poem by KWP

unmovable is one who has detached unstoppable is the person who attaches their ego to a purpose of good unbiased is he who knows nothing..
Sparingly Is Not Life

Sparingly Is Not Life

A Poem by KWP

unrequited flood of love sparingly you dose yours like an under-flavoured cordial the sweetness of life derives not from your lavish gifts w..


A Poem by KWP

gasping for air life of mediocrity I choke
I Am

I Am

A Poem by KWP

for a typhoon can not be tamed you must let it run it course and here you wish for me to change step aside darling if you cannot face the full..
After The Final Exhale

After The Final Exhale

A Poem by KWP

my third in the series
Allow Me

Allow Me

A Poem by KWP

perhaps I am talking to myself
Not So Simple Extraction

Not So Simple Extraction

A Poem by KWP

you gorge yourself in my heat and yet even when satiated satisfaction falls limp like the aftermath of your deep thrusts you don’t l..
Limitless You Know

Limitless You Know

A Poem by KWP

waste another breath I shall not in the shallow waters of your mind life cannot be lived in a glass house you know we all must fall and break te..
Too Close

Too Close

A Poem by KWP

space between usbecame lessas you unfurled in my realityand I unveiled myself in yoursmagnetised by moments sharedseparation became a tedious task ofp..
Flip Over Man

Flip Over Man

A Poem by KWP

on this trajectory we all sit spinning like upturned tortoise this point from than turn here we are imagine I do some kind of gargantuan uph..