KWP : Writing

the inherent

the inherent

A Poem by KWP

written for my friend who is moving back to Turkey to live
Star Gazers Know Their Place

Star Gazers Know Their Place

A Poem by KWP

with outstretched arms I welcome time passing life, this life offers twist, turns, scenarios star gazers know their place, so don’..
Can't Stop

Can't Stop

A Poem by KWP

this pain you cause burns this heart to cinders as always I have the unique ability to r ec om pose you are an unhealthy addiction I inha..
Weave Chaotic

Weave Chaotic

A Poem by KWP

the formless form hope of return I wish to go chaotic can become somewhat dreary when the s0-called artists of this mess are the average he an..
Fade To None

Fade To None

A Poem by KWP

just some more crappy poetry


A Poem by KWP

bewilderment drapes like a droughtstriken treein the arid plains where souls linger in hope the lesson can be learned before the last departure arrive..


A Poem by KWP

To Live

To Live

A Poem by KWP

in your eyes I see the lights of one thousand stars bursting to life in you smile I see your understanding at ground level in your heart I feel the pl..
don't look back

don't look back

A Poem by KWP

and soon I will be gone and yet everso thankful of our time spent take the melodramatics away you always knew it wouldn’t last forever ..
the recurring question

the recurring question

A Poem by KWP

a deep ache clutches grabbing from the darkness shows no remorse as I question this beast called life the latest wave in this flow of here and..