A Poem by KWP
Been hanging out with Jack Kerouac this weekend
A Story by KWP
thinking of turning this into a short story
A Story by KWP
The last time we spoke you told me you were used to telling people to do something, then dutifully, like a dog awaiting a pat, they get it done. T..
A Poem by KWP
…..and just like
opening the window, but
not inviting the softest wind
no expectation, as to
when it will come
….. as the gentl..
A Poem by KWP
all of the air, Igift to you,so as your breath lives onforeveryou breathe too easilyas my gift remains unseendarling, the depthof my lovepasses the la..
A Poem by KWP
there’s a darkness in
this entanglement, and
this entanglement
is life
which way should one tread
how to cut the path so the
light shine..
A Poem by KWP
toxicity dissipateswhen love is the ruleryou, my friend are a dangerous beastcalling on your godwho must shake his head in shamewhen you attempt to de..
A Poem by KWP
when the dust settles,
what will be left?
what can you ever claim for your own?
you’ve dealt in idols
you the idol
you have shone your ..
A Story by KWP
He hasn’t lifted a paintbrush in over a year. The studio used to allow escape. Now there are too many voices - distracting, demanding.
A Poem by KWP
douse the light ?rid the fire that burns from within?my friend, I am but a warriorthis flame will never burn downjust as you are inherently weakI have..