SPINNING ON that dizzy edge : Writing

Is That Spring Knocking?

Is That Spring Knocking?

A Poem by SPINNING ON that dizzy ed..

Is that a bud, is that a bird, is that spring coming, don't laugh at me - I think I heard? Spring knocking.... My eyes are open, my ears ar..
Mine to Be

Mine to Be

A Poem by SPINNING ON that dizzy ed..

Dance With Me

Dance With Me

A Poem by SPINNING ON that dizzy ed..

Dance with me, hold me in your arms and in your heart. Make me smile. Feel love for me in every part of all we have left here to gain. In love we..
Patience - a rewrite....

Patience - a rewrite....

A Poem by SPINNING ON that dizzy ed..

I don't do well with patience I really suck at wait..... wait - this is one of the ones I lost back in FEB 2008 I will try another time m..
Open Hands

Open Hands

A Poem by SPINNING ON that dizzy ed..

Sat with my open hands together on my lap - fingers curled and still empty hands - holding empty plans thought of you on this winter day when be..


A Poem by SPINNING ON that dizzy ed..

What does it cost for: An ounce of - I want you in my life? A spoonful of - you look nice today? A pinch of - no one makes me laugh like you? A cu..
Lies To A Child

Lies To A Child

A Poem by SPINNING ON that dizzy ed..

I listened then to lies from you you promised more things you would do Locked inside of grampa's trunk "it..
I Will Show You

I Will Show You

A Poem by SPINNING ON that dizzy ed..

I'll show you where the key is kept so we can take a ride. I'll show you where the back door is - so you c..
Fifteen Minutes

Fifteen Minutes

A Story by SPINNING ON that dizzy ed..

Redone after the great Feb '08 Dump...