k n o x ;; L.E.Whitman

k n o x ;; L.E.Whitman


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About Me

Hello. Im k n o x, as everyone on the internet calls me, but all of my stories, poems, and works of art art signed with L.E.Whitman, and like most of you, have so many story plots, lines of poems not yet written, characters, and different worlds floating around in my head, sometimes its hard to think. The problem with me is I have little patience to write everything down. I carry around a small book, bought to be a diary, which I use to quickly store away any sudden ideas I have.

I only hope that some day I can actually finish a story or two before I die. I also draw, a genre I would discribe as anime but I think more of as fantasy art. Im aslo interested in making a manga, a short one though. And writing a movie or play would be a nice thing to be able to do as well. Anything to do with writing really. So what a wonderful place to happen upon.