Hope : Writing

Fight, Flight, Or

Fight, Flight, Or

A Poem by Hope

The word and I cannot coexist
My Body, My Mind

My Body, My Mind

A Poem by Hope

"I don't feel real/I wish I wasn't real/Nothing makes sense" TW: SA
Dear Mom and Dad

Dear Mom and Dad

A Poem by Hope

All that I wish I could say, but haven't found the strength to
Therapy at 3

Therapy at 3

A Poem by Hope

In my head, I cry and scream and slap the s**t out of you. But I make sure not to make a sound


A Poem by Hope

"You and those doe eyes, he'd say. Before he hunted. And feasted"
Tribute to the Martyr

Tribute to the Martyr

A Poem by Hope

"She should thank me for the war that I endured. So he could become a better man... if he even can"