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Hammond, LA
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About Me

A native of New Orleans, Louisiana, I received my B.A. in English with honors in 2006 from Southeastern Louisiana University. Since then I have gained over a decade of experience to excel as a leader in the classroom. I began my teaching career as a high school English teacher where I developed curriculum around the fundamentals of writing. After my first few years in the classroom, I took a break from teaching and enrolled as student at Emerson College where I eventually received my Master's Degree in Publishing and Writing in the summer of 2018. While attending Emerson, also I had the opportunity to travel abroad to The Netherlands and France and take part in the James Baldwin Writer's Colony where a learned of numerous African-American artists and writers who lived there in the early 20th century. Upon coming back home to Louisiana, I returned to the classroom where I currently teach environmental science. In my spare time, when I am not in the classroom, I am a member of my town's local writers organization, The Creative Minds Writers Group.