It's about the Devil's daughter,Raven,and her best friend Nyx.Raven has to help her dad,Hades defeat his brother,Zeus. What will they find out about Z..
This is a prologue of the book of Satan's Daughter.
The Nightmare- Chapter One
I burst awake, not knowing where Iam.The same dream had been haunting me for as long as I could remember. The taste of..
The Creepy Sign- Chapter Two
Written there in the condensation on the mirror was a drawing of sorts.It appeared as a ten pointed star within a ci..
The Faint Heartbeat- Chapter Three
I run in fear toward the body. I reach to feel her pulse. It's so faint and weak as I hear the slow and quiet t..
What Did She Mean?- Chapter Four
The quote she said keeps going through my head over and over again. As I sat next to her, I dialed 9-1-1 again. P..
Mysterious Unnamed Girl- Chapter Five
I run through the police station and Fero is walking behind me,rolling his eyes with a smile on his face- he'..
Nyx- Chapter Six
I get out of hiding and stare at the girl. Andthen I sayher name over and over, again and again, repeating myself.
"Nyx. Nyx. ..
We Meet Again!- Chapter Seven
I tell my mom that Ineed to go outside for a walk to clear my head. I walk down the street andsuddenly I havea weird..
The Giant Door- Chapter Eight
When we were out of sight of the man in the red cloak, I pull the girl aside and say,"I know you. You're Nyx, right?..