Brittany YO

Brittany YO


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Chicago, IL
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About Me

I adore writing, I am less fond however of actually sharing anything that I come up with. I love reading long stories--that is if they are written properly and contain something of interest. I don't have many of mine own, most of my writing is done through role playing (my sites link is at the top) but I am trying to write more solo stories now.

I am very harsh on my own work but not nearly as hard on other peoples. Guess I'm crazy like that. Feel free to review my work, but be gentle! :P If you review something of mine I will return the favor, and send me friend requests if you actually like my stuff. :)


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Posted 15 Years Ago

A Blessing for the Woods
by Michael S. Glaser

Before I leave, almost without noticing,
before I cross the road and head toward
what I have intentionally postponed—

Let me stop to say a blessing for these woods:
for crows barking and squirrels scampering,
for trees and fungus and multi-colored leaves,

for the way sunlight laces with shadows
through each branch and leaf of tree,
for these paths that take me in,
for these paths that lead me out.