: Writing

Going Transit

Going Transit

A Screenplay by

Like the idea of going postal, this bus driver slowly goes nuts, from all the BS in his 1 day. Most of this really happen when I was a Bus driver, jus..
Another Chance

Another Chance

A Screenplay by

I wrote this in 2001, when I was first starting out as a Script writer, I keep planning to go back and re-write stuff for the 20th time. But I like wh..
A simple Story for you to know more about me

A simple Story for you to know more about me

A Story by

Long ago I had faith I would find my one true love. However this will make you laugh a lil. True Story tho!
Who I Seek

Who I Seek

A Poem by

I wrote this, not so long ago. I still feel like this should be out in the world So here you go.
The way it happened

The way it happened

A Poem by

this happen just before I wrote my first poem.
Smile Across Souls

Smile Across Souls

A Poem by

Her smile, makes me want to reach over and hold her tight, because it's not a happy smile, it's a smile that is for just show. So that most people thi..
Last Night

Last Night

A Poem by

Long long ago
Jay's Passion

Jay's Passion

A Poem by

Some one asked me what's your passion, and this is what I wrote back. Sometimes I decide I need to make what comes out of my thought a poem. I have a ..


A Poem by

(This might make you laugh and cry)
The Day my soul died

The Day my soul died

A Poem by

I wrote this when I was sad.

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