Why do you say his eyes aren't beautiful?They are brown as soft chocolateand warm like gentle sunlight.You say her eyes aren't beautifulbut they're as..
Little prince,Cherub child,Brilliant little blue eyesWatching as I do my work.I made a crown of goldwith a stags head.You pouted when I said it was fo..
The rumble of strings and the hum of wood,the pull of the bow.The slide of the tuneand the beat of the heel on sand.A whisper of lace with the spin of..
At the end of it all, we are alone.They left us alonebecause they deemed us unimportant.So we are alone,Mother and I.
The pity you give memakes me sick to my stomach.You stare and wonderhow I can get though the day.I go past you every dayand you watch as I limp by.I f..
Welcome to the pain of thisthe pain of thisthe pain of thisWelcome to my endless sufferingmy endless sufferingmy endless suffering.Friend won't return..
Leavinglovers,lost shoes,forgotten keys,a leather wallet,a child,a wife,a mother,a daughter,a familywho thought they could do more.
He stood at the endlooking at the water.Thinking.
The grass was wetso my jeans were wet.Maybe it wasn't the grass...I don't know anymore.You like starsI don't understand why.They're so coldand far awa..