10/2/75 -JAMES POTTER- This is stupid. (And trust me, I should know- I've done a lot of stupid things before this.) Here I am, James Potter, writing ..
10/3/75 -SIRIUS BLACK- Filch is a greasy git. Who has yellow, crooked teeth. Bad breath. Wrinkles. Just pure ugliness all wrapped up in one man. No w..
10/3/75 -PETER PETTIGREW- Potions class is super hard. There are lots and lots of different herbs and gooey stuff you have to chop up and melt, and i..
James deftly worked his fingers around the desperate-to-escape snitch as he strode through the halls of Hogwarts, ignoring the impressed eyes of stud..
10/3/75 -JAMES POTTER- I met a weird girl today by the lake. Not weird like giggly and blush-y and nail polish-y... Oh, wait. I think that's most gi..
Instead of facing expulsion for the werewolf incident, the Marauders are given an assignment: to keep journals until the end of the year.
The rain pushes my wet hair against my forehead, curls it around my cheeks. It presses my blood stained shirt to my back, sticks my filthy jeans to m..