About Me
My name is Rebekha and I am a mass of contradictions and I suffer from the constant memories of my passed lives. (Not ones where you turn into insects or animals) I believe it is what inspires me to write. I am young and have barely even begun to experience the world, but I am often told that I act much older and wiser then I should. I believe that we are all sent here to learn a specific lesson and it takes some people a few more tries then others to get the message right. I am a repeat offender. I make the same mistakes over and over again. With life being so beautiful and wonderous with so much to offer how could anyone not want to continue it over and over? My writing style is probably very simular to someone somewhere. Along with my poems. I believe that every story has been told before and we all just uncover them and change them a little. That's why we feel like we know the story because it has been told to us before. My writing is old and the same and everything else you've ever read, but at the same time it's new and completely different from anything you could have ever possibly expericenced.