Julie Dant

Julie Dant


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Washington, IN
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About Me

I've lived in Southern Indiana almost all of my life. I've written poems most of that time, but I am just beginning to share some. I don't think I am great..
I may not even be good, but it is one outlet that I could not imagine being without.
I hope readers will enjoy them and if I can touch a chord with a few?..then I am content.


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Posted 12 Years Ago

Thank you, Julie.

You have much more coming
please don` t leave --- will
be back soon.
Very, very nice to hear from you
---- John

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Posted 16 Years Ago


Suaimhneas !

-----Eagle Crauagh

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Thank you for reading , A Single Tear.

I considered it time wasted until the discovery
that humans share that tear, it dwells in the heart
of each of us. We are not alone, it just seems that
way at that moment.

Thank you !

---- Eagle Cruagh

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Welcome to Cafe and especially to
To my knowledge there is just one rule in THE
STREAM and in the CAFE, that rule is;
Write what you think, what you feel and what
you believe. I am sure that everyone on Cafe will
applaud your efforts.
We are the most equal bunch I have ever seen.
---- Eagle Cruagh