A Poem by Y.F.
If you're to tell me that I'm wrongI might accept it,I'm not as vain as my companionstend to think,and if you'll tell me I'm a jerkI might embrace it,..
A Poem by Y.F.
A little blues for the soul
A Poem by Y.F.
Even a guide can get lost,even a savior needs saving,we all walk alone, but together,a hand to stand on, as we fly.A wise man could use an advice,peop..
A Poem by Y.F.
You told me you'll never let go,you told me you'll fight, I believed soand yet here we are, and it seems like it's beena forever and half, since I've ..
A Poem by Y.F.
From very young age I was brought to believein the power of love, in "Adam and Eve",there was never a choice, or questions abouthow essential it is - ..
A Poem by Y.F.
If you like long sentences, this one is for you!
A Poem by Y.F.
Something short
A Poem by Y.F.
Something dark
A Poem by Y.F.
Who really knows best?
A Poem by Y.F.
Ceramic shards and broken glass,are no excuse to call the press,but it's more difficult to see,that all that's broken here is me.I always smile before..