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Dallas, TX
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About Me

Welcome to me. I am a mother, grand-daughter, daughter, sister, & friend. I am the opposite of a hemophiliac and have almost no inner-monologue since almost dying. I was given 2 hours to live and beat the odds. I am a survivor. Thunderstorms evoke something primitive in me; I can watch them for hours. I utilize all of my senses in dreams that are always in color. I can swallow double sided razor blades and pull them out of my mouth strung together. I pull light out of the air regularly and I have both performed street magic at the biggest Halloween theme park in the world and taught martial arts at a rehab center. I am currently a hypnotist/real estate investor. How strange is that? lol Ummm... Mayonnaise is nasty unless it is mixed with something. I believe integrity is who you are when no one else is looking. I read voraciously. I write just as insatiably. There is almost nothing better than seducing someone with words. Chasing fireflies with my kids makes me smile. Although I am an extremely passionate person, I never had a clue what love really is until I had my babies. Being environmentally responsible=good. People watching is good too. I regularly attempt to convince my kids to call me Empress Magnificent simply because I think it's funny. If I could choose my method of death, I would choose to die for something I believe in. I am extremely nostalgic. I have a weird sense of humor. I can argue both sides of the story to the point where I confuse myself. I am stubborn sometimes...ok, all the time. I desperately want to believe in happily ever after and I am going to change the world.~~~~~~~~