Solidad : Writing

My Mother

My Mother

A Poem by Solidad

A woman of many faces.
Joshua ZX

Joshua ZX

A Poem by Solidad

About a standard.
Toy Soldiers

Toy Soldiers

A Poem by Solidad

Bullets gathered at our eyes, raining down from the heavens. Either dance with them or succumb to them. T..
Fallen on Deaf Ears

Fallen on Deaf Ears

A Poem by Solidad

You don't need to speak to be heard.
A Love Song

A Love Song

A Poem by Solidad

The effects of music.


A Poem by Solidad

People always wantto speak to me when I havefucking headphones on.
A Toast to Bravery

A Toast to Bravery

A Poem by Solidad

Cheers, Here's to happiness and self-preservation.I'm learning how to compartmentalize feelings. Which is no feat for the faint of heart. Digging t..
All For Nothing

All For Nothing

A Poem by Solidad

Someone asked for a piece of my soul Or at least a copy. It doesn't matter who, all that matters is why. Things were packed up so nicely. The way I .. H[e]art H[e]art

A Poem by Solidad

About a man who ran the other way.
Joan of Arc

Joan of Arc

A Poem by Solidad

Having faith in something/someone that may kill you.