Solidad : Writing

A Million Little Pieces

A Million Little Pieces

A Chapter by Solidad

Tyler and Dulcey were becoming quite inseparable as were we. Things were even beginning to happen between us. Ve..
A Glass House

A Glass House

A Chapter by Solidad

We were packed and moved not even two weeks later. This house wasn’t quite as big. The move had surprised ..
At The Hands of A Sinner

At The Hands of A Sinner

A Chapter by Solidad

You were there for the birth of my second child, and to spite me for having a son with another man, you named hi..
Filling a Hole

Filling a Hole

A Chapter by Solidad

Christmas had passed and I had chosen not to show up to the family dinner. It was hard. I’d waited. ..


A Chapter by Solidad

I’d sent the letter weeks ago and no response. I wasn’t sure if he’d moved, lost in the mail, or ..
Forever Unfolds

Forever Unfolds

A Chapter by Solidad

Leo had moved closer to make things work. Tyler was excited to meet a brother but saddened by the loss of Dulcey a..

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