Solidad : Writing

35mm Film

35mm Film

A Chapter by Solidad

We’d smoothed out some. Not so ruff around the edges. Or grungy for that matter. I’d giv..
Bus 4288

Bus 4288

A Chapter by Solidad

Coke cans and loud conversations the back of the bus smelt of a*s and old perfume. How charming… ..
Into The Ocean

Into The Ocean

A Chapter by Solidad

Things were ok. I guess… I wanted to smile, I really did. But it just wasn’t gonna happen...
Cancer of the Heart

Cancer of the Heart

A Chapter by Solidad

The things we talked about. One couldn’t get more eclectic than that. From panties to penis we di..


A Chapter by Solidad

We sat around a table, eating marble slab ice cream. She wore her wings around her neck and you sat with a ..
14 Ways to Self Destruct

14 Ways to Self Destruct

A Chapter by Solidad

The things we shared were becoming more of, “Hey remember when…” Now it was more just Je..
Your Definition of Love

Your Definition of Love

A Chapter by Solidad

Graduation was over quickly. The moment lasted as long as the ceremony, which at the time seemed like forever. ..


A Chapter by Solidad

I always wanted to fall in love. Ever since I could remember I dreamt of a love that even time would lie down and be still for. As ridiculous that sou..


A Chapter by Solidad

College wasn't anything that I was ready for. And if one were to ask Sage she probably been able to predict my failures. Things never were right with ..


A Chapter by Solidad

We all grew up. I became a teacher, I'm unsure of what became of Jenelise. All I do know is that we wouldn't come across each other untill August of 2..