Joshua Cummings

Joshua Cummings


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Mechanicsville, IA
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About Me

I haven't much to say about myself other than I like to write. I like it a lot.


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Posted 17 Years Ago

I would welcome and appreciate any serious comments about anything I have posted. Thank you

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Posted 17 Years Ago

My last comment was not in expectation of some immediate gratification of you jumping on my post- I saw that you were not online- it was in response to the fact that your opening salvo was an empty comment on one of my works, whihc you likely didn't even read, and allow me to quote here, since you are more worried about details than truth, "I thought it was crap."
From this, I deduce that your intent was to get attention and "spark discussion" rather than to hold any kind of "realistic" dialog. At any rate, you got what you wanted.. and I can see why you wouldn't just go to a chatroom for your conversational jollies.
Unfortunately, that's not really what I'm here for. You don't care what I have to say, or why I say it, only that I pay attention to you... No offense, but I don't have the time or inclination to rub you the right way to make your leg shake. I'm here to improve my writing and help others do likewise. That's all I've done. I can't resolve a perceived wrong if there was none but your mommy not hugging you enough when you were little. I hope you find a more pliant opponent.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

If only you really did "hope we can develop a realistic dialog. " But alas, it seems you have none of that in you.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

So I'm gathering from your comments that you are A) a friend, B) the writer himself or C) some bleeding heart who doesn't care how deluded the person is about how well they do or do not write, so long as they get a warm fuzzy for posting. A) I can understand, B) makes a lot of sense and frankly C) would mean you're in the wrong place. Go teach kindergarten.
I was doing the writer a favor by giving an honest, and no, not flaming, not attacking or destructive, critique after so many of the reviews were giving him the kind of false impression of his writing that lands people in the slush pile forever. As some people after me pointed out also, it was poorly written to say the least, misanthropic and a very poor attempt.
My review was a far cry from your response of "I think this is crap." Not to mention that I gave examples and reasons for what I thought. Did you een notice the double periods at every quote?
I think you need to pull yourself out of the middle of this situation... is there even a situation? Really? I haven't heard anything from the author except an equally content-free "I liked this" On both of the works I haev up at the moment. Perhaps he, at least understood what I was trying to say and is going back to work on it instead of thinking that he shat gold. And if that is so, then he has gained something from being here, and I have helped him.
Thank you for your interest in others' feelings.. well.. _some_ others' feelings, but in this case, you have taken up the wrong crusade.
good day,