I am but a candle,Trying to illuminate this world of darkness,Hoping that one day I may spark others,And create a global conflagration.
By every rightI should hate you,But I don't, I can't,And I don't know why.You're everything I'm not,My foil in all ways.Yet, I'm drawn to you,Just lik..
Nothing brings out the cynic,Quite like an election.Both sides making promisesThey have no intention of keeping.The "issues" take over,Like kings of o..
I'm terribly sorry,But this hat no longer fits.It's really too bad,That instead of me, you loved it.It was just a shieldFrom the chilly winds of lifeB..
I'll bury the hatchet...Right in his f*****g skull.Let the blood splatter,I want them all to know what I've done.Tell them all, that because of me,He ..
It is
through fear that I exist: it defines my every action. There is a difficulty
that lies in expression when all that is offered is a contin..