Jones : Writing



A Poem by Jones

I lost my head again Along with you and all my friends I can't act but I can play the part of a man who fell apart cause a woman broke his heart ..
Fell for it

Fell for it

A Poem by Jones

Katie's dead

Katie's dead

A Poem by Jones

She's gone
Damaged me

Damaged me

A Poem by Jones

Been called worse
I've been

I've been

A Poem by Jones

Ruff draft
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Bullet with no rifle

Bullet with no rifle

A Poem by Jones

Rough draft could be better


A Poem by Jones

rubbing your belly playing fetch with you outside the long naps we take you're eyes and you're face my favorite things to see you made me..
No title

No title

A Poem by Jones

Trying to write songs. any ideas?
So long

So long

A Poem by Jones

A song I wrote
Get me out of here

Get me out of here

A Poem by Jones

I'm tired My eyes are tired I'm all used up My heart is worn out My soul's run dry I feel like an empty dark cold desert I can't see in this d..

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