Jon R.T. : Writing

Pritchard Park

Pritchard Park

A Story by Jon R.T.

Sitting with Sketti & the memory of the rise


A Poem by Jon R.T.

Painting pictures on my radio
Weight On Me

Weight On Me

A Poem by Jon R.T.

Reggae type
This Town

This Town

A Poem by Jon R.T.

A mad rant about the s**t town I’m in composed while on meth
This Time / Unfinished

This Time / Unfinished

A Poem by Jon R.T.

Alas dear lady I knew the day would come.When you would find me in this deplorable state.It's just as I remember from the last time we met.Maybe my ey..
Soul-er Ø / unfinished

Soul-er Ø / unfinished

A Poem by Jon R.T.

A vague vision
4AM / unfinished

4AM / unfinished

A Poem by Jon R.T.

Lazy hurt dreamers
Caps = ampersands

Caps = ampersands

A Poem by Jon R.T.

Emo type song
:)Dirty Jon:(

:)Dirty Jon:(

A Poem by Jon R.T.

Shooting Stars
Node Gunner

Node Gunner

A Poem by Jon R.T.

Unknown entry port node relay

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