i think its done...
another short poem, dont usually write 'em short so enjoy this one, haha
a short poem
free verse, sort of a spoken word feel
originally called, "Can You?", its precursor was published on this website a couple of months ago
a poem, its not that long, just read it instead of this description, hahaha
One night while I was dreaming,
A tree grew in my mind.
Though little but a seedling,
I took refuge in its pines.
On the morrow, cold and dreary..
Oh, the memories, the memories...
That tree that he would climb,
That playground where he'd play,
That old swing out in the yard
where he'd swin..
a short story i originally wrote for the "your story" contest in writers digest
poem i sat down and wrote today, inspired by a picture i saw of a teenager with her head in her hands
literally just sat down and wrote it, first dra..