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Uniontown, PA
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Block Writer Block Writer


Masked Aura Masked Aura

A Poem by Jay

Forbidden Love Forbidden Love

A Poem by Jay

Regret Regret

A Poem by Jay

Long Forgotten Long Forgotten

A Poem by Jay

I can't I can't

A Poem by Jay

Apologize Apologize

A Poem by Jay

Stages Of Love Stages Of Love

A Poem by Jay

Your Your

A Poem by Jay

About Me

I am a writer... no different from you but I have talent.

Of course I'm kidding. A lot of people have a lot more talent than I do. Of course, when I first wrote that I assumed that people would know I was being sarcastic, but some people never seem to catch onto my dry humor.

There are some people that don't like me. There are other people just just flat out hate me. There are some people that like me, and there's a wee little bit that love me. Think of me what you want, but of course, I won't care regardless. I stopped caring what people thought of me years ago.

I am in my school's drama club. I am in that awkward after freshman year but before sophomore year summer that I am not sure what grade I'm in.

I write mostly when I'm angry or upset. I am really not that sad or angry of a human being. If you're going to read my stuff, know that I am a terrible speller, and I overuse commas, but please don't be rude about it. Just tell me what I've misspelled and I'll fix it. Easy as that.

Thanks :)


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Posted 13 Years Ago

Hey, Jay.
Thank you so much for the reviews.
I'll be taking the last review into consideration, no doubt.

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Hi Jay! Thanks for your kind review :) I appreciate it a lot. Please feel free to send me your read requests, I would love to read your writings.

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Thank you Jay, that means a lot.

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Hey, thank you so much for the review!
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