Joe Bosworth

Joe Bosworth


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Terre Haute, IN
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About Me

My name is Joe Bosworth. I am 18 years of age and love writing. I like writing poetry and short stories maybe even a novel when I have enough talent. I go to school in Terre Haute and I love my town. I listen to METAL. Including Iron Maiden, Meshuggah, Glass Casket, Mastodon, and Nine Inch Nails. I also love God and he is working in my life right now so much! I just got an editor named Mark Tobey. Who co-authored the book "Strike the Dragon." He is also my pastor and he is helping me along with the other stuff!


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Posted 16 Years Ago

hi!!! :)

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Posted 17 Years Ago

I'm Atlanta! Its no Hollywood, but it has little 5 points...

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Grrrrrrrrrrrrreat! And you? What are you ready for?

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Posted 17 Years Ago

I feel bad for eating them... Did you know that most of the chickens we eat aren't even fully mature. They are pumped full of hormones so they grow to the size of a mature chicken in half the time... Poor chickens... They had a pheasant too. I wanted to buy it, but my sister said no. I had the money and everything... It was so cool. I want a peacock(one of the white ones)...

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Posted 17 Years Ago

I saw the coolest chicken today. It had poofy crown feathers and fluffy legs... Anyway, thought i'd share ome random. Talk to you soon.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

It took a second read, but i decoded your comment. You were in a hurry i guess. It was nice talking to you. Night.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Exactly. I have no idea what its like to trip on shrooms. I have never once smoked pot, i don't know what it feels like to be cheated on because i've never had a real boyfriend and i don't know what its like to be "betrayed' by a best friend whose dating your x. Who cares? Big deal, its life. THings happen. Its not such a big deal when your teenagers. Why make such afuss?

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Yeah, i get that sometimes... Seriously though. People say the craziest things and expect you to know EXACTLY how it feels. It gets annoying. I don't do too wel with empathy, because i haven't experienced all the teenage drama my friends need help sorting out.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Haahahahahahahahahahahaha! I guess, but i hate when is something like "so this guy like, came up and he like, had this huge stuffed octopus and he was like, 'Yo, give me your money' and i was like 'i don't take orders from octopods.' you know what i mean?" or "I jsut don't get why people think its bad to kill people, know what i mean?" Because i have no idea about stuffed sea creature bnandits, and i see everything wrong with killing people. You know what i mean?

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Exactly, a lot of those things are rediculous. You aren't stupid, i think the same thing. ANd when people say "you know what i mean" it bothers me. Its not an abbreviation, but its still annoying. Sorry, that was a bit off topic..