


I've returned to expand my blog. I hope you read it.

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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me

I've returned to keep a blog on this site. I will blog about books that have excited me - books I've liked and books that fascinated me.
I published articles and short stories in magazines.
One short story in "Below the Canopy".
"Mistaken for a Bear" in anthology, "Setting the Scene".
The 5 R's: Retired, Reading, Writing, Re-wRiting, and Reviewing
Volunteer Literacy Tutor
General Studies at the local university.
Continuous learner
Will read good articles, blogs, and fiction
Favorite Quote: "How do I know what I think until I see what I write?" - Graham Greene


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Posted 11 Years Ago

I've decided to use this site only for blogging. I have a few entries, and I hope you drop by to read them. Please?
Most of my blogs will be about books I've read and how they excited me. I won't blog about books I don't like.

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Posted 12 Years Ago

I have just learned that a short story I submitted to Polar Expressions Publishing in Canada will be published in an anthology entitled,`Setting the Scene` in November. The short story is called `Mistaken for a Bear`. The anthology will become part of the national collection at Library and Archives Canada.
Jocelyn wonders!

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Posted 12 Years Ago

I added a chapter to 'Being Spontaneous'.
I'm interested in everyone's philosophical take on the issues therein.