Jo Billygoat : Writing

Is It . . .

Is It . . .

A Poem by Jo Billygoat

created on 10-5-21 inspired by the movie Stargirl
The Never Ending Spark

The Never Ending Spark

A Poem by Jo Billygoat

created on 7-25-21; inspired by "The art of INTORSPECTION" a script by Riya
Opposite End of the Spectrum

Opposite End of the Spectrum

A Poem by Jo Billygoat

created on: 7-21-21; inspired by a script entitled "My Soul" by Susan; my script is not really poetic just a thought upon reading Susan's poem in that..
Autopsy of The Scriptor's Mind

Autopsy of The Scriptor's Mind

A Poem by Jo Billygoat

created on 7-10-21 -- continuation of Entrophy of My Mind by Riya
To Love, Be Loved -- Alone & Broken

To Love, Be Loved -- Alone & Broken

A Poem by Jo Billygoat

created on: 7-10-21
Compartment 114
Compartment 114
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Reality -- Alone

Reality -- Alone

A Poem by Jo Billygoat

created on 7-6-21
Whenst We Meet

Whenst We Meet

A Poem by Jo Billygoat

created on: 6-26-21; inspiration of hopes of having love in my arms in very near future


A Poem by Jo Billygoat

created on 5-13-21; a spin off of a script from Mariah Mcintyre, "Ignorance"
Life is Harmonious Love

Life is Harmonious Love

A Poem by Jo Billygoat

created on 5-5-21; this came to me in a waking dream -- perverse as it may be is my philosophy (part of it) NOTE: started (Alpha) and ended (Omega) w..


A Poem by Jo Billygoat

written on on 5-3-21 upon a flicker of a thought exploded per reviewing the script from Gee, entitled "Dying is an art"