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Bab Bhar, Sfax, Tunisia
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About Me

I am a man who had been dreaming of fame and fortune; I was very ignorant about many realities concerning such issues. It is true that I dreamt of success; but I had always believed that honor and pride comes before money. The cultural conditions around me were so hard; I was legally very igorant concerning the issue of writing and publishing. I had never known how to make the necessary copyright of my product; I was pushed to work somehow illegally for 11 years. It is all due to the lack of guide and advice. In fact, I was persecuted and stopped by political and investigational agents; this led me to somehow a clash with the political authorities I do not surely know whether it is indeed right or wrong; anyway I am very excused due to authoritarian and social cruelty and due to my deprivation of my right of appropriate cultural conditions in my area. In addition to that, I had been trapped and directed by very vicious political and investigational arts who are criminals and conspirers against the country. They laughed at me pretending that they were encouraging me in my writing career. They became supervising me and following me due to a very developped international investigations so that I was meeting the devil after the other without knowing that they were a collaborated network. They became my surroundings and my friends; and I was losing more and more true friends. I became really prisonned and locked in a very vicious investigational belt having my friends, my encouragers and so on in reality traitors who were using me in their dirty job without I know. Now I understood everything and I understood them all..........