So, as you may have gathered someone had died I don't really know him, but he is somehow related to me. I think on my grandfathers side. Anywho, here ..
He said those three words, those simple, precious words, just to take them back.
This came out a bit ranty lol oops
Pointless comments.Often made by the ignorantwhom can't grasp the depth of your work,so in turn they down play your intelligencein favor of their own...
Being alone is something I fear,for being alone beings silence.Silence is something I fear,for in the silence I can think.Thinking is something I fear..
No! No! No! I am way to young! I knows its not time but the grey hair has come! I not only have one? but two? WAIT THERES THREE?! I think I'm going to..
Sorry for some of the strong words lol
I am deathly afraid of clowns
I have no words to describewhat it feels like to lay in your embraceThe warmth of your skin relieving my chill,the familiar sent of just you,your gent..
I, as in my simple selfFound where I belongOn the path to eternal lifeUnder the protection of my fatherNo longer alone on my journeyDetermined not to ..