Jessalynn : Writing

A Simple Thank You

A Simple Thank You

A Poem by Jessalynn

This is a thank you to my husbands 1st wife. I don’t know her and have never met her. Their relationship did not end well but if it wasn’t..


A Poem by Jessalynn

Today mark four years since I lost one of the best men I've ever known. I still love him and don't think I'll ever stop. Writing about him brings me s..
Fear of Flying

Fear of Flying

A Poem by Jessalynn

As I gaze up at the clear sky Watching sterlings sore by Can't help but miss it Floating, weightless, airborne But I've crashed so many times befo..
The Dance

The Dance

A Poem by Jessalynn

This was originally a song I wrote so it has his and hers parts but it ended up as a poem.
Inside Out Soul

Inside Out Soul

A Poem by Jessalynn

Poem of how I wish a persons soul was reflected on their outer appearance. People make better windows than doors.
Heart For Rent

Heart For Rent

A Poem by Jessalynn

Poem about how it felt to play the love game and lose.
Dried Roses

Dried Roses

A Poem by Jessalynn

Poem about my dead flowers


A Poem by Jessalynn

Caught myself daydreaming about a beach and it was so lovely that I had to share.
Bitter Sweet Dreams

Bitter Sweet Dreams

A Poem by Jessalynn

Poem about a dream I had about my friend who was taken to soon.
Jack & Mary

Jack & Mary

A Poem by Jessalynn

Nursery rhyme mash up, to create a new story. In case you didn't catch on this story is about three people Mary/Hen, Jack/Boy blue, and Wolf/Fox.