Jeremy Wyatt : Writing

Heart of the Land

Heart of the Land

A Poem by Jeremy Wyatt

Beating steady beating fastancient rhythym of Albion's Greendweller in earth and lair and fieldlying close in grey and greenYour tunnels are like wind..
Red Ghost

Red Ghost

A Poem by Jeremy Wyatt

Glancing spirit red-ghost wraithpassing like a feathercarried silent on starlightjewel-eyed mistressfears no Hunter's Moon
Watching Fox

Watching Fox

A Poem by Jeremy Wyatt

I was here amongst the bircheswhen the forest first grew tallA witness to your comingI heard your first loud callI sat and watched you huntingfrom the..
Monmouth Raven

Monmouth Raven

A Poem by Jeremy Wyatt

I went down to Monmouth faira sword and pistol to buy thereI thought to go a'soldieringfor the gold and glory it would bringI saw a Maiden dark and sw..


A Poem by Jeremy Wyatt

Mother risesGarlandedGrass-twinedThe world greens and growswith her every strideAgeless youth carves stonewith her finger tipCup and ringSit and singl..
The Boots You Wore

The Boots You Wore

A Poem by Jeremy Wyatt

The Boots You WoreThey looked so tiredresigned to bearing their burdenI wore them so rarelyboxed tissue crinklestill a new suede smellproud to give yo..
Gaia Rising

Gaia Rising

A Poem by Jeremy Wyatt

Green carpet rises to greet herforest floor swells sea-likea wake of new growth marks her trackflowered footprints dance spring through the meadowsGai..
Drying your hair

Drying your hair

A Poem by Jeremy Wyatt

Drying your hairnext to meall the glory I need to seeblue wrapped angelwarm and safeyou make our homea blessed place
She lies suspicious

She lies suspicious

A Poem by Jeremy Wyatt

She lies still her eyes so blackconfusion whispers under her breathshe is trying to will the cobwebs awaywhile memories blister dry and fade"Are you m..
New Rose

New Rose

A Poem by Jeremy Wyatt

New rose new roadno time to thinkjust stride aheadand wonderat the chancewe tookall from one lookapril showersfeed april flowers