pure elation.
Don't undervalue meditation.
Vacation from the medication
and numbness of reality.
Troubles double when you fumble
Where are the answers for which I crave?
All nestled snuggly in a freshly dug grave.
For whom & for what does this foul heart beat?
Ican see them starving,
hear them crying,
watch them dying.
I can say I'm thankful,
that I'm lucky,
but I'm lying.
I can hear them singing,
Perception is the illusion of an over-worked brain
Poor brain, really
When you think about how hard it works
Every day
So often being wrong,
Between Satin and Suede lay two lost renegades
Responding to instincts older than man
Searching for pleasure in a passionate endeavor
Grasping onto..
I was given a random photograph & told to make it into a story. This is the result.
I know what I don’t want to be
I’m not afraid to die alone
I won’t forget my way back home
And everything I love is free
I f..
a memoir
Karma says he’ll somehow get you
For every little prank you pull
Karma says he’s watching, waiting
To knock you down a peg or two
Home, for me, is tucked
Deep inside a chain of soft rolling hills.
The people here call them mountains,
But these people know little else
And re..