Jeff : Writing

You Are Home

You Are Home

A Poem by Jeff

I'm awake I can see the light It shines upon my skin It warms me to the bone My blood begins to flow again You feel so good within my soul You f..


A Poem by Jeff

Can you serve two masters? Can you become righteous? Can you become arrogant? Will you be wealthy? Will you stay humble? W..
Harsh Reality

Harsh Reality

A Poem by Jeff

You have a job A little mouth to feed A pregnant wife Cents in your pocket Behind on your rent What do you do with empty pockets? Should..
Soulful Jihad

Soulful Jihad

A Poem by Jeff

There's a light within us all Sometimes small, sometimes bigger We all need a little light in our heart We all need something to hold on to We are..
In the End?

In the End?

A Poem by Jeff

I'm walking on air Drifting into the current Being pulled into the beyond I'm not sure where I'm going Not sure where I'm from Do I exist Does t..
Through the Ghost

Through the Ghost

A Poem by Jeff

Through the shadows of the night I can see a future past Lost to the mind of the holder I see you walking away Disappearing from my sight Lost to..
The Death of Martyr

The Death of Martyr

A Poem by Jeff

I stand before you Your once powerful entity Lays motionless A fallen monster Whose power is gone I once relished your power inside of me I k..


A Poem by Jeff

What is sanity? Is it work to death Is it overflowing bank accounts Is it living without health care Is it going to bed hungry Where is s..
Beware of Darkness

Beware of Darkness

A Poem by Jeff

Watch out for your thoughts Can become your worst enemy Keeping you from your dreams Locking you up In your pain Beware of darkness Be c..
Your Reality

Your Reality

A Poem by Jeff

In your head You don't see Your children In your head You don't see Your family On the news All you see Strangers dying On your ..