Jayz._>hollow : Writing



A Poem by Jayz._>hollow

i sang in my head,to be remembered,for what i gave and gotand tales to be toldof what i saw and soughtand hoped to be spoke abouthow i loved and laugh..


A Poem by Jayz._>hollow

We haven't spoke ,yet you're eyes speak a language,a language that people speak when they are being pulledtogether by a invisible string of fate,alway..
Rain with her

Rain with her

A Poem by Jayz._>hollow

You're like the rainiest shade of grey.
who to ask?

who to ask?

A Poem by Jayz._>hollow

"you dont ask a lost man for direction", I said,The answer i was hit with?"Yeah maybe you don't; but if you do ask,maybe he'll tell you which way you ..
What does she look like?

What does she look like?

A Poem by Jayz._>hollow

What does she look like?I don't know,She looks......Like my love for her.


A Poem by Jayz._>hollow

What does it mean to be human? To be human is it to be Free? To be human is it to be loved? To be human is it to be held? Or To b..