The bathwater
ran cold long ago
I can see the point where
the hot water
pouring in
meets the cold.
And they clash.
The water billows,
You tell me to wait up.
So I do.
It is 10PM and you are not here -
I send you a message and
rap my fingers against the hard
floor.It ..
There were three momentswhere you didn’t takemy breath away, but ratherthe very words fromme. You left mybreathing not onlyshallow but hollow an..
Kiss is too tame
a word for the emotions I hold,
locked away, for you.
Snog is far more primal.
Snog evokes thoughts
of flurried fingers;
The sky is blueand the sunshines hard and brightbut I do not feel it.It is a Winter’s Sun.And I am sat on the benchat the station anda cold wind..
Last year I had a Valentine.He had dimples in his cheeksand when he winked,the corners of his eyes crinkledlike old paper, folded overand over.And his..
They are burning my Granddad.No, not burning, cremating.I remember when a friendtold me what happenedwhen a body was burned,no, cremated.She told me t..
My hipsgrate against my clothinglike bark.Skin is a sea ofsilver birch,with split, peelingbark thatcomes away at the touch.And you tell methat it is h..
This time ofyear reminds meof you.The trees are bareand theirboughs areopen to the elements.I could cutinto them with myhouse-keys andmark them foreve..
The first time wefell in love Ihad scarsclimbing likerose-bushes up myforearms.They curled aroundand stuck fast inmy skinand when youran your lips acr..