Zarathustra indulges ev'ry whim, And, tossed by a tempest of his making, Explores - while all of his wit forsaking - The full complexities that make h..
John 'Doc' Holliday has a thing for Angela Dawson.
This is my attempt at a form of poetry called ottava rima.
This is a very short story set in the time of Spartacus. It needs fleshing out, but the skeleton is there.
In this short story, a journalist is interviewing a homeless man for a human interest story, but everything is not how it seems...
Here in Australia, those who have fallen in the name of freedom are remembered on April 25. I wrote this to commemorate the day.
The school's bell sounds and from its halls,Burst those who would escape its walls;Children who have been schooled all day,Now hurry to get home and p..
This follows the form of a Spenserian Stanza.
This is my first attempt at a Keats Sonnet.
This poem is about my grandfather, Len.