Eight years ago, waking up, I was recovering from a traumatic experience the day before. The establishment that was supposed to do the final pressing ..
Low clouds rolling overhead, I sat with incense burning to the left of me, a box with tarot cards to my right and the Ouija board directly in front of..
On Saturday night, I was just doing my regular routine of Bedazzling all my clothing while watching Telemundo. Out of nowhere, there was a knock at ..
Looking in the mirror, it is you I see. Many of my personality traits are inherited from both sides. Even what others perceive as my positive points, ..
When a love one passes, way too often, family and friends will automatically remember this person as a perfect being that could do nowrong. I pref..
Exhausted, from a tedious day, I disrobed and stepped into the ample garden style bath tub. The water, (being as heated as I could tolerate) quieting ..
Gently, she bites his lower lip, and then pulls her kiss away, teasing. He will have to prove to her that he wants this. The man leans his head upward..